Now You Can Quit Sugar Easily
Do You Want Help Quitting Sugar in Under a Month From Someone Who's Been Off Sugar For over 10 Years?
How are you supposed to be stop eating sugar if you don’t know the steps to take or have the time? Did you know that sugar is more addictive than cocaine?
Is it actually possible to get healthy, lose weight and quit sugar without having to spend huge amounts of time and money on diet books, personal coaches and programs?!
I bet you’ve tried fad diets, supplements, books, coaches... And nothing has quite worked for you, right? How do you find the time to learn what you need to eat and what are the best sugar free snacks to do if you're a parent or have a full time job? Do you even know where to look for hidden sugars? Did you know that there are hidden sugars in stacks of processed foods??
How do you justify spending money on expensive "sugar free snacks" if you barely use it or your kids hate it?
Why's it so nerve-racking to take the step of eating well and cutting sugar?
Is the constant battle to be quit sugar really worth it?
Can you really get rid of sugar without spending huge amounts of time researching fad diets, depriving yourself of delicious food, paying money to trainers/ coaches and counting calories?.
And when should you schedule time to research fad diets? Should you even use artificial sweeteners? Are you doing calorie counting? How often? What about avoiding dark chocolate ? STOP. JUST STOP.
If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.
Im a chiropractor, medical doctor and mother and I've been off sugar for over 10 years now. I'm all about a no fuss approach to quitting sugar.
I also know how hard it is because it is VERY addictive and so figuring out how to curb the cravings is really important.
And yet… Not that long ago, I was in your shoes. Those early days were rough. I'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was drowning in information and not knowing what to do- calorie counting, exercising, low fat diets, fad diets, feeling flabby, and feeling like I had lost the person who I used to be.
I had lost that “inspiration to get healthy again”.
Anyway, if that's kind of how you feel right now... Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to quitting sugar that you can be proud of.
Let me show you that you CAN quit sugar in under 4 weeks and find ways to cut those cravings.
Here is what I’m proposing. I’ve had a TONNE of people reach out to me asking for my help. So I had this crazy idea to build a step by step plan guide you from beginners to sugar free in 4 weeks.
No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from amateur to pro. It only costs you less than $25 a week.
In this course you will learn how to:
- Identify where hidden sugar lurks
-Identify the different names for hidden sugars
-Identify what foods you need to start cutting out
- Learn WHY sugar is so toxic to your body so you can become the smartest person in the room when it comes to sugar!
-Find out what foods you can happily eat as much of as you like
- Become confident when you go shopping and not be bedazzled by marketing claims
-Identify how to find these hidden sugars and their many names
- Learn why you get cravings and what they can mean
- My 7 Best Tips to manage cravings!
-What your cravings might be telling you about what you're really needing
- Some great sugar free snack options
- Some great recipes to use for your whole family!
BONUS #1- You will also get an added bonus of a completely free nutrition guide complete with a guide on healthy eating and foods to include in an overall healthy diet( helped put together by a nutritionist)
BONUS #2- You will get access to my VIP Sugar Slayer community in my membership community online where you can share your journey and be around like minded people to share your progress with.This community will also give you access to me to ask questions and problem shoot when you need to.
BONUS #3- You will get a free Meal Plan ebook with stacks of snack ideas, meal ideas and easy to put together meals that are sugar free and full of healthy protein and fat.